Give the Gift of Mentoring - Big Brothers Big Sisters

Roles: Writer - Camera Assistant - Sound Mastering for Broadcast

Agency: Critical Mass

In the winter of 2017 I had the opportunity to work on a holiday promo spot for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Calgary. Tom Kucy, Meghan Fenske and I developed the concept centered around the idea of gift giving and family. With the help of producer Carla Velazquez we took the kid from 8 to 18 in a day through 6 locations and 3 different actors. It was a fast and furious shoot and each of us jumped into any roll we needed to get the job done. The ad was run in many places including movie theater pre rolls for which I had to sound master to broadcast specs as well as being run on online ad platforms.


Noah & Lazy - Youngin | Music Video


Canadian Cereals - Invite