Quickbooks - Small Business Mini docs

Roles: Editor, Colourist

Agency: Critical Mass

Production company: Junk Films

In less than a year, in partnership with our client Quickbooks we put together 16 mini docs that spotlight small businesses all across the states. Often these were for cultural moments like AAPI month. The turnaround time on some of these edits were at times as little as a week including editing, music selection and colour grading. This extreme time crunch has pushed my ability to put together an engaging and cohesive story fast, whilst maintaining the highest quality technically. Additionally I created cutdowns for social media to help drive engagement on their Instagram. The mini docs were Quickbooks highest performing social content at the time. Additionally these projects were nominated for the Creative Pool Awards awards and were highlighted by Adweek as great impactful content.


Lewiston Ultra events & Saucony - Moose Mountain | Mini Doc


OAKK - Go | Music Video